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The Department of Law at the University of Palermo, an interdisciplinary centre aimed at advancing teaching and research in the field of legal studies, broadly defined, welcomes applications from faculty at other universities and research institutes (including PhD students) regardless of discipline or field of study, who wish to spend a period of time as a Visiting Scholar to conduct research related to the Department's research interests.


The Department provides Visiting Scholars with office space, a computer, library privileges, and access to the University's electronic resources. It does not provide salary replacement or administrative support.


Visiting Scholars contribute to the Department's intellectual life through active participation in seminars, workshops and other Department events. Before the end of their stay, they are required to publicly present the results of their research.


In order to apply, please find a DiGi researcher [collegamente ipertestuale a pagina docenti] whose expertise best matches your research interests and contact him/her by email so as to secure he/she can be your sponsor.

Send him/her an updated CV and your research project (also indicating the period of your supposed stay).

The sponsor will submit your application to the Council of Department, which will decide as soon as possible.


For further information please email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza di Palermo
Università degli Studi di Palermo
Via Maqueda, 172 - 90134 PALERMO (PA)
Tel.: +39 09123867523